HealthCare Service
Providing affordable healthcare through medical mission trips abroad
This is the reality for many people in poorer communities in Nepal where health clinics are few and far between or too expensive to afford.
Share Mission International’s global volunteers are helping to close this healthcare gap through medical mission trips to Nepal. We provide locals with:
- Annual exams
- Emergency care
- Surgery when needed
What if you couldn’t afford to go to a doctor?
Or had to travel for days to get to the nearest hospital?

We travel to Nepal with a group of 10-20 U.S. medical volunteers and work closely with local doctors and healthcare professionals to offer free healthcare to locals who cannot afford a doctor’s visit. We setup camp in a local community and treat over 300 patients a day – amounting to about 2,100 patients treated on an average trip.
Our global volunteers are helping to improve quality of life through healthcare
For many communities in rural Nepal, visiting a doctor simply isn’t an option. They may have barriers such as:
- Cost
- Lack of transportation
- Distance
- Lack of education about health issues
Instead they may turn to local healers or home remedies for cures – something that can have devastating consequences for what could have been easily treated by a doctor.
In one case, we were visited by a 10 year old boy who had severely burned his eye playing with a firecracker and could barely see. With the help of a volunteer ENT specialist, we were able to treat the child and move him to a hospital soon after. Six months later he traveled to the U.S. for surgery that restored his vision and eliminated the scarring.
Cases like this is why we do the work we do. It can be truly life saving for some and significantly improve quality of life for others.
Contact us today to learn more about volunteering on a medical mission trip.

Education Service
Making a brighter future possible through affordable education
Imagine walking five miles a day without shoes to reach school. This is the reality for many children in the remote mountain village of Bhakunde Beshi,Nepal where there is only one elementary school serving the poor “Dalits” or untouchables.
As one of the poorest areas of the Kathmandu valley, Bhakunde Beshi is largely unreachable by the local government. The school relies on Share Mission International for funding and resources such as:
- Classroom materials
- Textbooks
- Student scholarships
- Teacher training
- Student uniforms
Our goal is to help the schoolchildren and their families improve their quality of life through access to education, scholarships, and a quality learning environment.
Volunteer trips to Nepal promote community development and cross-cultural learning
Our volunteers travel with us to Nepal once a year to offer support to the school. With only 180 students and 6 teachers, we have the chance to make a greater impact and to work one-on-one with teachers. We focus on creating a high-quality learning environment through:
- Teacher trainings
- Co-teaching
- Self-development courses
Co-teaching is an especially rewarding part of volunteer work. Volunteers assist a teacher in the classroom – offering a new perspective on teaching and the chance for a cross-cultural exchange. Our goal is to continually improve the school learning environment so students can work toward a better future
Contact us today to learn more about our educational volunteer opportunities.
Refugee Support
Volunteer work that connects underserved communities abroad with affordable education and healthcare
Among the essential features of a healthy, vibrant community are:
- Affordable education
- Access to healthcare
- Empowered community leaders
Unfortunately these things are often lacking in underserved communities. An absence of infrastructure, government funding, and resources often mean that these communities become stuck in a cycle of poverty.
Share Mission International is helping to bridge the gap between underserved communities and the services they need. Through volunteer work we provide international medical relief, education, and community development initiatives to help these communities thrive.
Helping refugee communities begin a new life in the U.S.
In addition to helping underserved communities in developing countries Share Mission International serves a local group of Bhutanese refugees based in our headquarters of Denver, Colorado. Our efforts are focused on helping them integrate into the local community through:
- English language classes
- Job search support
- Educational programs
- Clothing drives
- Learning about U.S. customs and culture
Providing disaster assistance in times of crisis
In April 2015, two massive earthquakes struck Nepal. SMI immediately responded by providing volunteers and donations to help assist those impaced by the earthqueakes. Through the generosity of donors, we were able to provide:
- 2500 gloves and 2500 masks to cleaning crews
- A month’s worth of food and basic supplies to over 1000 families in Gorkha District and Sindupalchowk District
- 1000 tents for temporary shelters
- 13,000 people with non-prescription medications in partnership with Qwest Pharma
- Medical supplies in partnership with Project CURE